Delicious Party Pretty Cure is a Japanese animated comedy magical girl-based anime series, which is the nineteenth installment in the Pretty Cure franchise series, This anime series is written by Sawako Hirabayashi, and this series is created by Izumi Todo.

In Episode 39, where we see that the Kingdom’s most special treasure has been stolen by a bunch of thieves who call themselves the “Bundle Gang,” their mission is to dominate all the things of the world by capturing the important treasure. On another side, we see Yui Nagomi and her friends’ plans to stop the gang by capturing the stolen things.

The release date of Episode 39 is Saturday, December 10, 2022, and it will stream on ANN and also on Crunchyroll. The release time is 8:30 a.m. Indian Standard Time and 7:30 p.m. Japanese Standard Time.

What’s your take on the released episodes of the show?, What do you think about it? Please let us know in the comments, for more news and updates, stay tuned with us.



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