Bibliophile Princess is a Japanese animated fantasy romantic comedy anime series, which is based on Yui’s manga novel of the same name, here we are going to tell you about the release date, time and Plot of the episode 10 of the show, we are also going to tell you, where you can watch the new episode.
In Episode 10, titled “Intentions of the Butterflies,” we see Elianna still struggling with her decisions, including her jewelry and dress choices. We also see that Christopher’s mother, Queen Henrietta, is concerned about him because he isn’t ready to accept Elianne as his queen. We see that Sharon’s older sister, Pearl Princess Mireille, was a childhood friend and was once considered the fiancee of the Christophers but was rejected.
The release date of episode 10 will premiere on Thursday, December 8, 2022, on AT-X, Tokyo MX, Kansai TV, and BS NTV, as well as globally on Crunchyroll.
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