Uncle From Another World, the Isekai anime that debuted recently entered into a list of Summer Anime and actually attracted fans like moths to a flame. The second episode of the anime has been released and opened to good reviews but what exactly did the episode have and what part of the uncle’s memories we were shown in this episode?

The Episode started with their uncle ordering the magazine that listed the final result of SEGA SATURN reader’s choice since he was not there when it came out and as a love of SEGA he felt like he deserved to know that and that does not go well since his favorite game was not the most popular instead was placed at 197th place and in response to that, uncle floated in the air outside in rain and screamed like a madman.

The episode had more of these funny moments as well when the uncle would start off with a story and Takafumi would hope for a good end which would give him a slight bit of hope that his uncle had somewhat of a good time in the other world but that story would end in vain because it would either have a sad or a dark end.

Uncle also met another girl which at first was part of some quest or it seemed like it but then he skipped the melting girl’s heart and slew the dragon. That girl comes to meet him and after words are exchanged, he kind of helps her in a dark way and motivates her to go back to her reclusive life.

The Episode also introduced a childhood friend of Takafumi that is interested in him. Uncle seemed really happy to see a friend of Takafumi. However, how that meeting goes down is funny and how the uncle forcefully tries to erase her memory, and how Takafumi comes to the rescue. The episode ended on a grim note as we see Uncle ordered like 15 Kilos of rice online and Takafumi’s friend getting concerned about him living with his uncle.


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