Urusei Yatsura Episode 12: Urusei Yatsura is a Japanese anime series based on the manga series of the same name by Rumiko Takahashi, The anime series is directed by Hideya Takahashi, Yasuhiro Kimura and Takahiro Kamei. The series is written by Yūko Kakihara.
The anime series is produced by David Production who also produced JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, Cells at Work!, Fire Force, and more.
The story follows Ataru Moroboshi, an unlucky boy, who is chosen to represent humanity in a duel against the aliens Known as the Oni. His opponent is Lum, daughter of Oni’s Leader.
The anime series voice cast, Hiroshi Kamiya as Ataru Moroboshi, Sumire Uesaka as Lum, Fumi Hirano as Lum’s Mom, Kana Hanazawa as Ran and Katsuyuki Konishi as Rei. The show also has the voices of Keiko Toda as Ataru’s Mom, Kenta Miyake as Onsen Mark, Maaya Uchida as Shinobu Miyake, Nana Mizuki as Princess Kurama, Rikiya Koyama as Lum’s Dad, and more.
Urusei Yatsura, Episode 11 is now streaming on HIDIVE with English subtitles.